Powdered milk campaign for infants

Yesol, It's milk time!

Powdered milk campaign for infants

Yesol, It’s milk time!

Infant who joined the facilities three months after birth

Yesol was only three months old when she joined the temporary shelter with other infants and toddlers.

Yesol was far smaller than her peers. 

She wasn’t breastfed well 

and her health was at risk.

Infants who are not properly fed or milked due to abuse or neglect by their biological parents generally have health problems.

The temporary shelter Yesol moved into was a home for newborns and toddlers up to 36 months.

They leave the arms of their biological parents due to neglect, abuse, family disintegration and other causes. As such, they are not properly cared for when they move into the shelter.

Most of the infants and toddlers in infant room in temporary shelter, however, have growth delays or nutritional imbalance due to lack of physical care from their biological parents and milking like Yesol.

These babies need highly nutritional milking for protein, calcium, vitamin and mineral consumption.

Temporary shelter providing care to many infants and toddlers ..

Powdered milk in big bulk is needed to feed babies but there is always shortage of it due to limited budget.

What if babies are not properly milked due to its shortage and get sick .. 

there is always anxiety around this 

and we get buy with what we’ve been donated.

* Donation will go to supporting Yesol as a first priority and the rest will be spent for infants and toddlers in need of help just like Yesol in the temporary shelter.


Let’s eat well and stay in good health

Please share your warm love with powdered milk to Yesol so that she can be fed well and growth in good health.

Korea Welfare Services will always be there until we deliver happiness to all the babies.

Infant who joined the facilities 

three months after birth

Yesol was only three months old 

when she joined the temporary shelter with other infants and toddlers.

She was sent to the shelter because her mother got seriously ill.

“Yesol was far smaller than her peers..”

Yesol was far smaller than her peers.

She wasn’t breastfed well and her health was at risk.

Infants who are not properly fed or milked due to abuse or neglect 

by their biological parents generally have health problems.

The temporary shelter Yesol moved into was a home for newborns and toddlers up to 36 months.

They leave the arms of their biological parents due to neglect, abuse, family disintegration and other causes. As such, they are not properly cared for when they move into the shelter.

The first 1,000 days of life is a critical nutrition period. 

The health conditions formed in the first 1,000 days significantly impact growth, development and learning abilities of infants and toddlers.

- 2004, UNICEF -

Most of the infants and toddlers in infant room in temporary shelter, however, have growth delays or nutritional imbalance due to lack of physical care from their biological parents and milking like Yesol.

These babies need highly nutritional milking for protein, calcium, vitamin and mineral consumption.

I am always worried about shortage of powdered milk..

Temporary shelter providing care to many infants and toddlers ..

Powdered milk in big bulk is needed to feed babies 

but there is always shortage of it due to limited budget.

What if babies are not properly milked 

due to its shortage and get sick ..

 there is always anxiety around this and 

we get buy with what we’ve been donated.

* Donation will go to supporting Yesol as a first priority and the rest will be spent for infants and toddlers in need of help

 just like Yesol in the temporary shelter.

Yesol, let’s eat well and stay in good health

The tiny little Yesol who is only three months old ..

Please share your warm love with powdered milk to Yesol 

so that she can be fed well and growth in good health.

mobile background


Korea Welfare Services will always be there until we deliver happiness to all the babies.